Common Myths and Misconceptions About House Painting

Residential Painters Sydney

In this age of the internet there is more information available, and more misinformation, than ever before. It can be hard to separate the facts from the fiction, the true from the false. This is made even more complex when we realise that facts that apply in some circumstances may not apply in other circumstances. If we want to have our house painted it is essential to find solid, reliable information that applies to our situation. Understanding the facts can save time, money, effort, and ensure better results. So we have decided to dispel the more common myths.

Myth 1: Adding Essential Oil will make Paint Smell Better

This was part of the life hack trend a few years ago. People noticed that freshly painted rooms would smell of volatile chemicals for a few days. Some people claimed that adding essential oils to paint would improve the smell. While this seemed like a good idea it often interfered with paint’s chemical composition, slowing the drying time, affecting the finish, and even compromise the paint’s integrity. Furthermore, it only covered up the smell, it did not remove it. Those paint fumes are harmful, and best avoided. A better approach is low or zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints, which are designed to emit fewer odours and are healthier for indoor use.

Myth 2: Paint won’t set Cold Temperatures

The is not so much wrong as it is outdated. It is true that older types of paint (say 30 years ago) would not set well in colder weather. But modern paints have been formulated to perform well in a wider range of temperatures. Most high-quality paints can be applied in temperatures as low as 35°F (1.6°C). So, unless it is freezing there should be no serious problems. However, always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the best results.

Myth 3: Primer Is all the Prep you Need

On a new home primer is often enough to prepare the wall for painting. It
ensures good adhesion and even coverage for the final paint. But when we repaint a wall the surface preparation will also include cleaning, sanding, and repairing any cracks, dents and imperfections. Skipping these steps will compromise the end result, giving an overall poor appearance.

Myth 4: Interior Paint Can Be Used on Floors

Most interior paint is not suitable for use on floors. This type of paint will not be able to endure the wear and tear of people walking on the floor. It will wear away after a few weeks. Instead, use a specially formulated floor paints designed to withstand foot traffic, abrasions, and cleaning.

Myth 5: Paint Colour Is Only a Stylistic Decision

While paint colour certainly affects the aesthetics of a room, it also has practical implications. Light colours can often make a space feel larger and more open, while darker shades can sometimes create a cosy, intimate atmosphere. Additionally, colour can influence mood and energy levels, making it an important consideration beyond just style. It is a mixture or objective considerations and subjective taste.

Myth 6: Any Brand Can Colour-Match Any Paint

Colour matching is taking a sample of the paint to the store and having new paint made in this same colour. But this is more complex than it appears. While many paint brands offer colour matching services, there are many factors and variations that affect the result. The same colour with a different sheen will not be quite right. The light will reflect differently off two different brands of paint, so we cannot use the together. For the most accurate results, it’s best to use the same brand and line of paint to match an existing colour.

Myth 7: All Brands of Paint Are of Equal Quality

Of course quality varies between brands. Differences in ingredients, formulations, and manufacturing processes result in varying levels of quality. Higher-quality paints typically offer better coverage, durability, and colour retention. It can be less expensive (and time consuming) to have one coat of good quality paint than two coats of cheaper quality paint.

Myth 8: Colour Swatches Can Be Used to Select the Right Colour for the Room

Colour swatches can be useful to some degree in narrowing down choices when we choose the colour for a room. But they can also be misleading. The lighting in your home, the size of the room, and surrounding decor can all affect how a colour appears in a wall. It’s advisable to test paint samples on the walls before making a final decision. This give a better indication of how the colour appears under different lighting conditions

Myth 9: Dark Colours Make Rooms Look Smaller

While dark colours can usually make a room feel cosier, and sometimes smaller, the results depends on various factors, including lighting, furniture placement, and room size. Darker shades can often add depth and sophistication, especially when balanced with lighter accents and ample lighting. We just have to find what works with each circumstance.

Myth 10: Paint Can Be Saved for Later

While it is possible to save leftover paint, the shelf life is limited. Proper storage is crucial to maintaining its quality. Store paint in small airtight glass containers. Make sure the container is almost full, with minimal air at the top. Keep in cooler conditions such as the basement. Always check the paint’s condition before reusing it.

Myth 11: Zero VOC Paint Truly Means Zero

Zero VOC paints are marketed as being free of volatile organic compounds, but this is not entirely accurate. “Zero VOC” means that the paint has VOC levels below a certain threshold. Additionally, the addition of colorants to paint can introduce VOCs. While zero VOC paints are a healthier option, they are not perfect. Keep away from freshly painted rooms, which need to be aired out for several days. Do not allow young children or pregnant women in these rooms for about a week.


Understanding the facts behind common house painting myths can help us prepare for and achieve better results. Talk to residential painters Sydney for informed decisions that will save you time, money, and help you achieve the décor style you prefer.

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